Find stories with a lot of story points. Multiple ways to sort.
We think you will love these enhanced filtering options that come with this major upgrade to Epic Sum Up for Cloud.
That’s only the start. Thanks to a powerful new grid library we can now offer more configuration options to support reports and work smarter.
“How can we make it easier to solve your problems in Jira. We talked to clients and did research. This led up to these enhancements so you can do more in less time.”
Andreas Haaken, CEO, APTIS
Here is what’s new
Filter as you type
Instant results as you type in Detail View, just like on Google. This helps speed up your searches, including if you have a large Jira instance.
Then you can refine them as needed without having to use filters.

Excel like column handling
New custom column templates to help your team find the right data faster.
Predefined views, you can edit the Detail View columns with ease.

Plus many smaller changes that add up to big improvements
- Find attachments faster, including in subtasks or stories
- Find your customers comments from anywhere in the epic without diving into stories
- Filter times based on what select in detailview, then filter the time frame
- Create a Monthly report in 2 clicks
- Limit timesheet to specific stories
“SendTo” functions
- Export change requests belonging to a specific project or other specific criteria
- Export in the format of your choice like Excel or CSV
Upgraded epic report with clickable progress bars
- Allows you do the things you love with Epic Sum Up with one less step
- Open overview from report and edit inline
Dashboard Gadget with clickable progress bars
- Create smart dashboards for the decision makers and allow editing just from the dashboard by using the Detail View
Enhanced progress bars design
- A refresh to fit the look and feel of Jira cloud

These enhancements bring to Epic Sum Up for Cloud key features that Epic Sum Up Server and Data Center users have come to rely on. If you are a Server client and preparing to move to Cloud we think you will be pretty happy.
Need help planning your move to Atlassian Cloud? Have a feature request?
Contact us by email or open a ticket.