Issue creation in Jira can be a time-consuming process. In this blog post, we'll share a few tips and tricks how you can simplify the process and speed it up.
When we describe Epic Sum Up, we will often mention that it helps project managers who use Jira find the information they need quickly. We wanted that same principle – finding information simply and quickly – to be fully reflected in our user documentation as well.
Do you struggle with high-level project overview in Jira for your projects? And then quickly finding where you need to dive into detail? Such high-level project reporting, navigation up and down your issue hierarchies and switching between projects usually take up a large share of your work day.
With our new system, you can easily track the status of all requests for our project management Jira app and vote on which features we should prioritize.
Successful lean project management consists of lots of different components moving smoothly at the same time. Not only do you need a continuous live report of what’s going on, it’s equally essential to prioritize communication between teams and groups working on each item.
In the process of creating Epic Sum Up, we wear the hats of product developers and project managers at the same time. And by using Epic Sum Up as a tool for the development of Epic Sum Up, we can apply the principles of Agile project management directly to the software’s development and release.
For people who are new to Jira and looking for a simple project management integration tool that’s easy to set up and easy-to use, Epic Sum Up is the ideal tool to use with Jira.
When you’ve got a lot of projects going on at the same time, you want to save as much time as you can on admin things. That’s why it’s vital to have solutions in place that allow the teams to eliminate repetitive tasks from their day and be more productive.