Epic Sum Up is the App of the Month by AVISI, an Atlassian Solution Partner in Arnhem (Netherlands).

Rob BennemeerAvisi
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"Epic Sum Up really does provide a great solution for whoever is looking for a detailed overview of the hours that are written on a team-specific level."

The post explains how Epic Sum Up can easily roll up any status or progress of an epic.

“Epic Sum Up… is a great example of a tool that helps drill-down information on Epic or Feature level.”

The author points out how easily Epic Sum Up integrates in your Jira instance to enrich the users possibilities to drill down and edit all values in epics.

“It improves overall planning, without impacting the other apps used in Jira that allow for that high-level overview.”

Read the AVISI post.

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Epic Sum Up 4.0

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Epic Sum Up 3.11

Improve efficiency without adding complexity

Tired of clicking in and out of Jira issues to find out what’s going on?
Discover how Epic Sum Up’s intuitive functionalities save you time in real life.

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