Epic Sum Up 3.6: Portfolio support, Tempo report call, J8.9

Portfolio compatibility


Server and Data Center clients now have:

  • Support for Jira Portfolio (parent link)
  • Improved Tempo Report call
  • Compatibility up to J8.9


New JQL function: childIssuesOfContainer(“”)

Return all issuetypes that are contained in a specific Container using childIssuesOfContainer(“”) in a JQL query.


Portfolio Compatibility

Epic Sum Up is compatible with Portfolio hierarchies. This mean it is now possible to build an issuestructure with the help of Portfolio hierarchies and Containers.

When setting up a Container Link and a Parent Link at the same time, only the Parent Link is considered in the issuestructure.


Settings: Portfolio compatibility of the Epic Sum Up Settings

The Container in Container function gets automatically activated, as soon as Portfolio is installed and can not be deactivated as long as Portfolio is installed.

Additionally every issue that is contained in a Portfolio hierarchy can not be set as a Container. In case the configuration was made previously, we recommend to either remove the issuetype from the Portfolio Hierarchy or from being a Container.


Detail View: Root element that calculates the total sum of all issues in a JQL Detail View

With the new root element, it is now possible to get the sum of multiple containers at a glance, without the need to build complex issuestructures.



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